A Brewing Work Skills Partnership

A Brewing Work Skills Partnership

On December 15th, Corona-Norco Adult Transition Program students at Orange Grove High School brewed and served Los Compas Coffee's Kenyan and Brazilian single-origin roasts to staff and special guests as a treat before the coming holiday break.

The Adult Transition Program is a special education program for adults ages 18 to 22 with disabilities. The program helps students develop independent living and decision-making skills through travel training, work experience at local businesses, communication and money skill lessons, and other real-world activities.

Students arrived early to set up coffee carts with cups, stirrers, jugs of creamer, breakfast treats, and various sweeteners. With the assistance of their teacher, they boiled water and brewed the ground coffee before pouring it into insulated dispensers. They also decorated their station with a sign reading "OG Coffee" and a poster illustration made by one of the students depicted a cozy holiday fireplace.

Image of Adult Transition Students Coffee Event

Once they set up their station in the front of the school, students greeted visitors as they arrived, took orders, and served hot cups of coffee to guests as they mingled. The atmosphere was festive and jovial with music, and the event was a success. Special guests in attendance included CNUSD Executive Director, Dr. Jeremy Goins, and Corona City Councilman and former mayor, Jim Steiner.

Image of Special Guests Attending Adult Transition Coffee Event

This is just the beginning of Los Compas's partnership with Orange Grove High School students. Plans for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year include activities for students to help label and fill coffee bags with roasted beans to learn additional work skills, and expand their morning coffee service to include espresso and other treats.

More to come on this brewing youth employment and WorkAbility partnership!

Image of Adult Transition Coffee Event

(Student faces have been blurred to protect their legal rights and privacy.)

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